The last of a generation. An extraordinary woman for her time. What a career as a teacher and school principal! What an outrageous laugh! What an ability to make you feel about 3 inches high, when warranted. I am sad at her passing, but somewhat relieved for her. She had been struggling so much over the last few weeks.
A great lady...
Dorothy was Eve and Harold's cousin, the daughter of Ernest May and May Ford Goreham. She had a sister called Barbara who was two years older, who died from a Mitral Stenosis in her 40s. Neither of the girls had children, a sad ending to a branch of the tree.
My reference to her teaching days, is that she was a teacher with the forces school in Hanover, Germany, and I visited her there in 1960 on my way back from staying with a pen friend in Hamburg (Graf Friedrich zu Castell-Rudenhausen). Later Dorothy became headmistress at Mitcham Primary School in Surrey, UK.
This blog is for descendants of the Martin and Hughes family - which of course includes many other family names (such as May, Roberts, Barrett, Gollop, It is constructed as a series of letters to grandchildren focusing on one part of the family each month and providing detail of what we know, what we can speculate and also available photographs. The idea really is that a new generation should know where they come from, and should admire some of the successes of forebears.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Letter to my grandchildren February 2012
Dear Hannah, Ben, Rory, Jimmy, Maia and Ollie,
This second family history letter is about Louisa Emma Barrett.
We know that my grandmother Louie was born on 6th June 1888, at 20 Stadium St., Chelsea, London, England – so she was a Londoner (but not ‘a Cockney’). Her parents were John Henry Barrett (a builder’s labourer, born in Hackney London in1856, and aged 80 when he died in 1936) and Hannah Schofield Howie (born on the Isle of Dogs in London in 1855, and 69 when she died in 1924). You might want to look up ‘Isle of Dogs’, Hackney and Chelsea using Google Maps. Louisa had two older brothers - John Thomas (born in 1880) and John Henry George (born in 1887, and therefore only a year older than Louisa). She had three younger siblings – Emma Beatrice (born 1890) with whom she was christened at St. Johns, Chelsea. Families often had two children christened at the same time to save having to pay the vicar more than once! However, there may have been some medical problem for Emma B, which prompted the christening so soon after her birth - because sadly she died in October, aged 5 months. I guess medicine was not as advanced in those days. The twins - Frank and (would you believe this ?) Hannah Rose – were born in 1892. Then finally, little brother Harry R was born in 1902. Isn’t it strange that they had a Hannah Rose Barrett, and we have a Hannah Rose Martin born 102 years later?
Louie must have rented 28, Cromwell Road, Feltham, part of a row of small ‘two up-two down’ houses. I actually remember visiting the house, but it must have been after Louie died (aged 57 from cancer) given I was only 18 months when that happened. Strangely, I have a vague memory of attending Louie’s funeral – mostly gravel paths, kicked stones, and pervasive sense of others’ sadness. I don’t remember a family gathering, and after that Mum (Eve) and I were on our own living in a flat in Westgate, Kent.
There were two elderly ladies living in Cromwell Road when I was about 5, and I think they must have been distant family, but have no idea who. I should know, because (by a quirk of fate) they later moved to Birchington in Kent in the 1970s and became my patients when I was a local doctor! Another quirky thing is that there is a Gollop (Grandad May’s surname before he changed it) living just up the road from Louie, Eve and Harold, but I need much more detail of that, and we may never know whether they were family supports.
This second family history letter is about Louisa Emma Barrett.
We know that my grandmother Louie was born on 6th June 1888, at 20 Stadium St., Chelsea, London, England – so she was a Londoner (but not ‘a Cockney’). Her parents were John Henry Barrett (a builder’s labourer, born in Hackney London in1856, and aged 80 when he died in 1936) and Hannah Schofield Howie (born on the Isle of Dogs in London in 1855, and 69 when she died in 1924). You might want to look up ‘Isle of Dogs’, Hackney and Chelsea using Google Maps. Louisa had two older brothers - John Thomas (born in 1880) and John Henry George (born in 1887, and therefore only a year older than Louisa). She had three younger siblings – Emma Beatrice (born 1890) with whom she was christened at St. Johns, Chelsea. Families often had two children christened at the same time to save having to pay the vicar more than once! However, there may have been some medical problem for Emma B, which prompted the christening so soon after her birth - because sadly she died in October, aged 5 months. I guess medicine was not as advanced in those days. The twins - Frank and (would you believe this ?) Hannah Rose – were born in 1892. Then finally, little brother Harry R was born in 1902. Isn’t it strange that they had a Hannah Rose Barrett, and we have a Hannah Rose Martin born 102 years later?
The person behind Louie in this photo seems too elderly to be her mother, and may be one of her grandmothers Mary Howie (nee Wormald) or Louisa Barrett (nee Wallen).
The family moved around London a bit – from 20, Stadium St., Chelsea, (where Louisa was born) to 65a Mardale Road, Chelsea, London (1891 census) to 24, Grove Ave., Fulham (1901 census), and that may have been related to John Henry trying to find work to support his family.
We think this next photo is most likely of John Henry and his wife Hannah (b. 1855, nee Howie). There seems to be a bit of distance between them, so we are not sure whether they liked each other... Certainly John Henry looks solemn. Perhaps they were not used to having photos taken.
We know nothing at this point about Louisa’s schooling or later training, and I have been unable to track her on the 1911 census, which might tell us what sort of work she did. She may have worked as a cook, and learned the trade of dressmaker. Certainly later after Harold’s death in 1921, we believe she would have had a pension from his military service, but I was always told that she (and Eve and Harold, her children) survived by her continuing as a dressmaker.
The people in this 1928 photo on the left are Eve (about 9, sitting holding Barbara, aged 3) then Granddad John Henry Barrett (aged 72), then Louie holding Dorothy (newly christened), May May (yes, that is right!) (aged 31, mother to Barbara and Dorothy), Harold (aged 7), and Granddad Joseph Henry May (aged 67).
Eve (aged 18 in this photo) completed school and then went on to Clark’s College to study to be a secretary, and Harold (aged 16 here) completed schooling at
Hampton Grammar and later became a draftsman. So that is a credit to Louie for ensuring they did not have to be sent out to work prematurely.
There were two elderly ladies living in Cromwell Road when I was about 5, and I think they must have been distant family, but have no idea who. I should know, because (by a quirk of fate) they later moved to Birchington in Kent in the 1970s and became my patients when I was a local doctor!
I think Harold senior’s brother Ernest and his wife May were a great support to Louie, and later to both Harold and Eve and their families. Uncle Ernie was a stand-in grandfather to Brian, Andrea and I. Louie’s father John Henry (known as Granddad Barrett) and father-in law Joseph May were also supports, judging by the photographs.
In the photo above (Ted and Eve’s wedding, 14th September 1940 at St. Catherine’s Church, Feltham (in a WWII air raid), you can see Louie standing proudly on the left, a friend of Eve’s, then Barbara, then Ted and Eve, Dorothy, Ernie, Harold, and May. Of course, Dorothy (who would have been not much more than 12 in this photo) is still alive today, aged nearly 83.
Hope you enjoyed this update,
I will write again in a month
Grandpa Graham
Monday, January 23, 2012
Family History in the Making
Family History does not have to be boring and dusty. Watching it unfold in the present is vibrant, exciting and sometimes very strange. Where does it lead (Don't know)? Will I be there to see the longterm results (Possibly not)? Does that matter (the history does, but my place in it does not).
This little lot got together for 9 hours in the studio, and what a great result. The family that plays together.... stays together/ has a lot of fun/ can do phenomenal things.
I really love 'Slow Blues', and Hannah's 'Be what you wanna be', and Rory's drumming and 'Are we there yet?' and Ben's fabulous guitar work.
Jono's desire to write blues has been burning for a long time.
This little lot got together for 9 hours in the studio, and what a great result. The family that plays together.... stays together/ has a lot of fun/ can do phenomenal things.
I really love 'Slow Blues', and Hannah's 'Be what you wanna be', and Rory's drumming and 'Are we there yet?' and Ben's fabulous guitar work.
Jono's desire to write blues has been burning for a long time.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Haiku: Learning from Family History
Family history notes
'Narcissism protective'
Must practice some more
'Narcissism protective'
Must practice some more
Friday, January 20, 2012
Photos from the Archives (Harold May)
Harold May before World War I
In Northern France (3rd from the right 2nd row)
Harold after his return, in the garden with his dog.
In Northern France (3rd from the right 2nd row)
Harold after his return, in the garden with his dog.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Letter to my grandchildren January 2012
Dear Hannah, Ben, Rory, Maia, Jimmy and Ollie,
I thought it might be a good idea if I told you about your family. You are all reading well, and from time to time you have all asked about family members. I have been researching our family for many years now, and all the details with certificates and photos are tucked away in my study where no-one ever reads it. Your great great uncle John has also been researching family history for many years, and I have learned some of the information from him. He also has all sorts of records tucked away in a cupboard, and nobody ever sees them, either. Seems a bit stupid to know all this information and not share it. I have found it very important to know where I come from, who was involved, what sort of people they were, and why I turned out to be the sort of person I am.
So, about once a month I will write a short letter, and focus on everything I know about one person, or one person and their family. If you keep all the letters, eventually you will have a very large puzzle that you can put together as a sort of family history jigsaw. If you don’t keep the letters, I will always have a copy on my computer and, in years to come, if you find you have lost a piece of the family jigsaw, then I can always replace it for you.
I thought I would begin with my grandfather Harold May – your great great grandfather (and also of course great uncle Brian May’s grandfather). He was born on 23rd March 1895 at a place called Broome Park in Betchworth, Surrey, England. My understanding is that this was a country estate owned originally by Queen Victoria's surgeon, Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862) but at the time of Harold’s birth owned by a Russian Prince and Princess Dolgorouki who had escaped from Russia. (I have tried to get some information about this family, because they did mix with English royalty – more of that later). Broome Park was a Georgian House with 19 bed and dressing rooms, 4 bathrooms, 5 elegant reception rooms, billiard room and servants bedrooms. The property of 56 acres included 2 lodges, stabling, garage, a farm and 3 cottages.

Harold’s father Henry Joseph May (shown with Harold in the photo) was Head Coachman for the family, and he and his wife Charlotte Kate Hirst (more of the two of them later) lived above the stables. In those days babies were mostly born at home, so I guess you could say that Harold was born in a stable (but I don’t think there were three kings in attendance at the time). I do have a copy of his birth certificate (which proves the date and place).
The 1901 UK Census shows him living at Broome Park, aged 6. He was quite privileged really, because he attended the Betchworth Village School (though I have not yet tried to find records of how well he did).
The 1911 Census (they happened every 10 years) shows him still living at Broome Park, aged 16 – by which stage he was a footman to the princess. His younger brother Ernest (born 10th June 1898) was also a footman to the princess, so you can imagine them both standing proudly at the back of one of those open carriages, all smartly dressed up in a uniform.
I think the family must have been well liked by the prince’s family given they lived there for 20 years from 1894 or so till after 1914. This may in part be because Kate also worked for the family as a cook, although her original trade was a dressmaker (according to the 1891 Census).
Being around horses and stables for so many years must have influenced him to join a horse regiment when he signed up for the army in 1914. He joined ‘A Squadron’ His Majesty’s 1st Life Guards as Trooper H. May (3095), and was based at Hyde Park Barracks, South West London during his training.

At around this time (aged 18) he must have met his future wife Louisa Emma Barrett who lived in South London, but we do not know where or how. He did send a Christmas card to her in 1914 saying “To Louis with Best Love” (I have a copy of this). Shortly afterward he went to Northern France to fight in the trenches against the Germans during World War I, and we know little of what he went through.
We don’t know how many breaks he had back in England, how he and Louisa got together, how much time he had with his parents and brother. He did go half way through the war, but sadly was ‘gassed’ at Ypres in Northern France in about 1916 and was repatriated.
He and Louisa were married on 15th January 1918 at St. George’s Church Hanover Square, London. Harold did not go back to war, and of note the war did not finish until November 11th 1918 –‘Armistice Day’. In some ways Harold was lucky to survive the war – millions of soldiers did not! We are lucky too, because if he had not survived, none of us would be here today.
However, subsequently he died from Tuberculosis (which he must have caught after his lungs were damaged in France) and is buried in Hanwell Cemetery nr Southall in Middlesex. Harold had just had his 26th birthday (23rd March) in Colindale Hospital North London when he died on 24th March 1921. Harold was awarded the Victory Medal and the British Star 9.5.1915.
There were two children only – Louie Evelyn (my mother ‘Eve’) born 17th December 1919 (aged 16 months when her father died), and Harold, born 7th April 1921 – sadly 2 weeks after his father had died.
So what sort of person was your great great grandfather? I can only draw conclusions from having known my Uncle Ernie (his brother), who was a tall ‘gentle giant’ somewhat quiet and reserved, but with a great sense of humour and always ready to laugh. In a sense (like many of his generation) Harold did not have time in his short life to grow a career outside of the Guards and his experiences of World War I – which must have been horrible. In many ways he did give his life for his country and his beliefs. He was clearly very much in love with your great great grandmother and, of note, she never remarried; she gave her life to bringing up two fatherless children.
In many ways Harold May was a person of whom we should be very proud.
Love Grandpa
I thought it might be a good idea if I told you about your family. You are all reading well, and from time to time you have all asked about family members. I have been researching our family for many years now, and all the details with certificates and photos are tucked away in my study where no-one ever reads it. Your great great uncle John has also been researching family history for many years, and I have learned some of the information from him. He also has all sorts of records tucked away in a cupboard, and nobody ever sees them, either. Seems a bit stupid to know all this information and not share it. I have found it very important to know where I come from, who was involved, what sort of people they were, and why I turned out to be the sort of person I am.
So, about once a month I will write a short letter, and focus on everything I know about one person, or one person and their family. If you keep all the letters, eventually you will have a very large puzzle that you can put together as a sort of family history jigsaw. If you don’t keep the letters, I will always have a copy on my computer and, in years to come, if you find you have lost a piece of the family jigsaw, then I can always replace it for you.
I thought I would begin with my grandfather Harold May – your great great grandfather (and also of course great uncle Brian May’s grandfather). He was born on 23rd March 1895 at a place called Broome Park in Betchworth, Surrey, England. My understanding is that this was a country estate owned originally by Queen Victoria's surgeon, Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862) but at the time of Harold’s birth owned by a Russian Prince and Princess Dolgorouki who had escaped from Russia. (I have tried to get some information about this family, because they did mix with English royalty – more of that later). Broome Park was a Georgian House with 19 bed and dressing rooms, 4 bathrooms, 5 elegant reception rooms, billiard room and servants bedrooms. The property of 56 acres included 2 lodges, stabling, garage, a farm and 3 cottages.

Harold’s father Henry Joseph May (shown with Harold in the photo) was Head Coachman for the family, and he and his wife Charlotte Kate Hirst (more of the two of them later) lived above the stables. In those days babies were mostly born at home, so I guess you could say that Harold was born in a stable (but I don’t think there were three kings in attendance at the time). I do have a copy of his birth certificate (which proves the date and place).
The 1901 UK Census shows him living at Broome Park, aged 6. He was quite privileged really, because he attended the Betchworth Village School (though I have not yet tried to find records of how well he did).
The 1911 Census (they happened every 10 years) shows him still living at Broome Park, aged 16 – by which stage he was a footman to the princess. His younger brother Ernest (born 10th June 1898) was also a footman to the princess, so you can imagine them both standing proudly at the back of one of those open carriages, all smartly dressed up in a uniform.
I think the family must have been well liked by the prince’s family given they lived there for 20 years from 1894 or so till after 1914. This may in part be because Kate also worked for the family as a cook, although her original trade was a dressmaker (according to the 1891 Census).
Being around horses and stables for so many years must have influenced him to join a horse regiment when he signed up for the army in 1914. He joined ‘A Squadron’ His Majesty’s 1st Life Guards as Trooper H. May (3095), and was based at Hyde Park Barracks, South West London during his training.

At around this time (aged 18) he must have met his future wife Louisa Emma Barrett who lived in South London, but we do not know where or how. He did send a Christmas card to her in 1914 saying “To Louis with Best Love” (I have a copy of this). Shortly afterward he went to Northern France to fight in the trenches against the Germans during World War I, and we know little of what he went through.

He and Louisa were married on 15th January 1918 at St. George’s Church Hanover Square, London. Harold did not go back to war, and of note the war did not finish until November 11th 1918 –‘Armistice Day’. In some ways Harold was lucky to survive the war – millions of soldiers did not! We are lucky too, because if he had not survived, none of us would be here today.
However, subsequently he died from Tuberculosis (which he must have caught after his lungs were damaged in France) and is buried in Hanwell Cemetery nr Southall in Middlesex. Harold had just had his 26th birthday (23rd March) in Colindale Hospital North London when he died on 24th March 1921. Harold was awarded the Victory Medal and the British Star 9.5.1915.
There were two children only – Louie Evelyn (my mother ‘Eve’) born 17th December 1919 (aged 16 months when her father died), and Harold, born 7th April 1921 – sadly 2 weeks after his father had died.
So what sort of person was your great great grandfather? I can only draw conclusions from having known my Uncle Ernie (his brother), who was a tall ‘gentle giant’ somewhat quiet and reserved, but with a great sense of humour and always ready to laugh. In a sense (like many of his generation) Harold did not have time in his short life to grow a career outside of the Guards and his experiences of World War I – which must have been horrible. In many ways he did give his life for his country and his beliefs. He was clearly very much in love with your great great grandmother and, of note, she never remarried; she gave her life to bringing up two fatherless children.
In many ways Harold May was a person of whom we should be very proud.
Love Grandpa
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